The team at Vivid Skies Child Care Clinic consists of highly competent and dedicated medical professionals, led by a Developmental Pediatrician in Mumbai. Through a holistic and personalised treatment programme, this multidisciplinary team helps children learn various aspects of physical, social communication and cognitive development. 

Each child at Vivid Skies gets focused, one-to-one sessions from the relevant therapists, at each stage of their treatment, as their development is monitored, all this while, by a Developmental Pediatrician.

“Every child is unique and deserves the opportunity to reach the best of their potential. Our goal is to find an ability in every perceived disability.”

Dr. Tanvee Priya,
( Founder & Director Of Vivid Skies )

Developmental Pediatrician in Mumbai @
Developmental Pediatrician in Mumbai @

Developmental Pediatrician in Mumbai

We are pediatricians who specialise in developmental, behavioral and learning issues of children, from infancy to young adulthood.

Dr. Tanvee Priya

I am a Developmental Pediatrician in Mumbai, having worked in Mumbai, sub-specialty of Developmental Pediatrics. I am passionate to help children with disabilities to reach their maximum potential and be included in society.
My areas of interest and expertise include evaluation, diagnostic and treatment of child.

  • Learning Disabilities (Dyslexia)
  • Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
  • Autism Spectrum Disorders
  • Developmental Delay
  • Cerebral Palsy
  • Intellectual Disability
  • Various genetic syndromes including Down’s
  • Sensory impairments (vision, hearing)
  • Motor co-ordination difficulties
  • Developmental follow up of high risk newborns
  • Behavioral problems in children
  • Slow learner.
Developmental Pediatrician in Mumbai
Developmental Pediatrician in Mumbai @

Treatment Process / How we work

At Vivid Skies, we follow a comprehensive, interdisciplinary approach that is personalized to the specific needs of every child.

The first step when you visit Vivid Skies, is a consultation session with the Developmental Pediatrician (DP). Since each child has their own unique set of abilities, in this session, the DP assesses the complete medical, birth and family history of the child, and accordingly develops a plan of intervention, which is advised to the parents, along with the frequency per week.

After this, the child, along with the parents, undergoes a series of evaluations in each relevant department as advised above, to find out the baseline abilities (or developmental age) of the child. This helps in formulating our working goals.

Over the subsequent months of therapy and rehabilitation, the child’s progress is continually discussed amongst the team members and the Developmental Pediatrician. 

Depending on the child’s progress, the therapy plan is modulated, adding interventions wherever necessary, and in good cases, tapering the interventions in a systematic way, so that the child is able to adjust optimally in social environments like school, etc.

During this entire process, a continuous follow-up of the child is maintained, which is closely monitored by the Developmental Pediatrician in Mumbai, and discussed with the parents, to oversee the progress holistically.

For outstation parents –

The same process, as outlined in the previous section, is followed for children based across the rest of the country and world, only the medium changes to online video sessions, over platforms such as Google Meet or Zoom. 

The online mode entails more hands-on involvement from the parents under the able guidance of our competent team at every step.

Flat no. A- 405, Mathuria Apartment CHS, 49 Sir M.V Road, Andheri East, Mumbai 400069

+91 – 9960588502